Tiggers are a lively bunch of toddlers! Children generally move into Tiggers around the age of 2, however this is flexible and will depend on each child as an individual. Tiggers has a wonderful team of energetic and vibrant staff who plan an array of activities for the children to extend and further their learning. The Tiggers spend lots of time learning outside and thrive with the ability to free flow between their play room, front room, hall and garden areas.
There are a huge range of activities and games devised for these children and it is lovely to watch them engrossed in these activities. In this room we work on the skills already introduced to the children whilst in the under 2’s and continue to secure these skills. At mealtimes the children are used to using cutlery and open cups. In Tiggers they move onto glasses and china crockery and are encouraged to serve out their own meals. We learn to take turns and become independent.
There is never a dull moment in Tiggers, with singing and circle times, to role play, small world activities, outdoor adventures, messy activities and turn taking games, rest assured your little ones will be kept busy and stimulated every day.
Meal Time…
Meal times are spent sat together at low tables, where we believe encouraging the children to taste and try new foods is very important, staff will sit with the children and model good table manners. We are there to help and support children in the transition from baby to toddler. Staff will encourage children to use cutlery and to cut their own foods. Where appropriate we support the children to self serve either lunch, dinner or pudding. Encouraging the children to take an active part in mealtimes helps to support independence and prepares them for the next room.
Sleep Time…
The Tiggers will have the opportunity to rest every day wether this be quiet story time after lunch alongside quiet table top activities or having a nap. All bedding is provided by the nursery and will be laundered weekly. Children’s bedding is stored separately to reduce the risk or cross contamination. Children sleep on beds called Dandi-li-ons which are slightly raised off the floor.
Toilet Training…
Toilet training is usually initiated by you and is fully supported by the nursery, however the nursery staff would let you know if your child/children shows interest in toilet training whilst they are at nursery. Children are actively supported through the use of praise and occasionally stickers. Accidents will occur and parents are asked to provide plenty of changes of clothes. We will encourage children to use the toilet from the start rather than a potty, we feel this is not the most hygienic process in a nursery setting and in our experience the children, with time and support are happy to go straight to the toilet.
Outside Activities…
The Tiggers are taken outside whenever possible and have opportunities to do free-flow between the room and the indoor/outdoor garden. The children also take short walks around the surrounding area, often visiting the ducks, and library.. The nursery has a small allotment area where we grow our own contributions to lunch and the children can help water seeds, collect the fruit and vegetables.
Because we like to take the children out as much as possible, we ask you to provide wellington boots, waterproof coats and a sun hat and sun cream for your child.

Under 2's room leader
Paige is supporting the tiggers room as an experienced room lead to give the tiggers staff guidance and support whilst Liz is away on maternity.




